Aaron, Archpriest and
Prophet |
Abdon, Martyr,
Persian noble at Rome |
Abel, The Righteous |
Bishop of Hierapolis, Equal to the Apostles |
Abibu, Bishop of Nekressi
in Georgia |
Martyr |
Martyr |
Abo, Martyr of Tbilisi |
Ascetic, Bishop of Carres in Palestine |
Abraham the Righteous |
Abraham, Martyr, of
Bulgaria |
Hieromartyr, Bishop of Arbela in Assyria |
Abramius Ascetic |
Wonderworker, Archimandrite of Rostov |
Abramius, Archimandrite, Wonderworker of
Smolensk |
Acacius, Bishop of Melitene |
Acacius, of the Forty Martyrs of Sebaste |
Acacius, Ascetic Martyr 1815 |
Acacius, Ascetic of Sinai, [mentioned in Ladder] |
Acacius, The New, Ascetic, Kausokalyvites, 1730
Acepsimas, Martyr, Bishop of Persia |
Acepsimas, Martyr of Egypt |
Acepsimas, Ascetic |
Achaicus, Apostle |
Achillius, Archbishop of Larissa |
Achim, Martyr, of the Seven Maccabees |
Acindynus, Martyr |
Martyr of Nicomedia |
Acribe, Martyr |
Adalbert, of
Praque Apostle to Prussia |
Adalbert, (Adelbertus) Patron saint of Egmont in Holland |
Adam, The First-created |
Martyr |
Adela, Daughter of Dagobert II, King of the Franks |
Adrian, Martyr,
Prince of Rome |
Adrian, Martyr of Nicomedia
Adrian, Abbot of Ondrusov, Valaam |
Adrian, Ascetic Martyr, of Poshekhonye, Yaroslavl |
Aedesius, Martyr |
Aethalas, Martyr |
Aetherius, Hieromartyr of Cherson |
Aetius, of the Forty Martyrs of Sebaste |
Afra, Martyr of Augsburg |
Africanus, Martyr of Carthage |
Africanus, Martyr |
Agabus, Apostle |
Agape, Martyr |
Agapetus, Bishop, Confessor |
Agapetus, Selfless Physician of the Kiev Near
Caves |
Martyr of Caesarea |
Martyr |
Hieromartyr of Galatistis
St. Agapius
Ascetic of Vadopedi Monastery |
Agatha, Martyr of Palermo, Sicily |
Agathangelos, Martyr |
Agathangelos, Hieromartyr, of Esphigmenou 1818 |
Agathodoros, Martyr |
Agathocleia, Martyr |
Agathoniki, Martyr |
Agathonicus, Martyr |
Agathopus, Martyr of Crete |
Aglaia, Martyr, of Rome |
Aglaius, Martyr |
Agnes, Martyr |
Agrippina, Martyr of Rome |
Ahmet, the Calligrapher, New Martyr 1682 |
Aidan, of Lindisfarne |
Ailbe [Albeus, Ailbhe], First Bishop of Emly in
Ireland |
Akaki Asistavi,
of Georgia, Disciple of John Zedazneli of Zaden |
Alban, Protomartyr of Britain |
Albinus [Aubin], Bishop of Angers in France
Alciviades, Martyr |
Alcmund, A prince of Northumbria
Alena, Martyr of Brussels in Belgium
Alentina or Valentina of Caesarea |
Alexander, Patriarch of Constantinople |
Alexander, Patriarch of Alexandria |
Alexander, Bishop of Comana |
Alexander, Bishop of Amathus, Cyrpus |
Alexander, Martyr of Thrace
Alexander, of the Forty Martyrs of Sebaste |
Alexander, Martyr of Constantinople |
Alexander, Nevsky, Prince of Russia
Alexander Hotovitski, New Hieromartyr, Russia |
Alexander, Ascetic, Abbot of Oshevensk |
Alexander, Abbot of Svir |
Newmartyr of Thessaloniki, The Dervisis, 1794 |
Alexander (Schmorell)
the Passion bearer |
Alexander of Guria
Alexandra, Queen |
Tsarina |
Alexei Medvedkov, Hieromartyr
Alexei the Carpathian |
Alexis, The Man of God |
Alexis, Metropolitan of Moscow and all Russia |
Alexis, Toth, defender of Orthodoxy in America |
_of_tver_new_hieromarytr_small.jpg) |
Alexis Romanov, Prince of
Russia |
Alexis, (Benemanskii) New Hieromartyr of
Tver |
Alphaeus, Apostle
Alphege of Canterbury |
Alypius, Ascetic, Stylite of Adrianopolis |
Alypius, Ascetic, The Iconographer,
Russian |
Amandus, of Maastricht |
Amatus, Bishop of Sion in Valais in Switzerland
Ambrose, Bishop of Milan |
Ambrose, the Confessor |
Ambrose, of Optina
Ambrosius of Cyprus |
Ammon or Ammoun, Deacon, Martyr |
Ammon, of the Heliophoton Greatmartyrs of Cyprus |
Amos, Prophet |
Amphianus, Martyr |
Amplias, Apostle |
Amphilochius, Bishop of Iconium |
Amphilochius of Moldavia, Romania. |
Amphilochius, Abbot of Glushetsa |
Ananias, Apostle |
Ananias, of the Three Children |
Anastasia, The Poison-curer |
Anastasia, Martyr |
Anastasia, Ascetic Martyr, The Roman |
Anastasia, Ascetic, of the Monastery Patrikia
Anastasia, of Serbia |
Anastasia Romanov, Princess of Russia |
Anastasius, Hieromartyr, The Persian |
Anastasius, Ascetic, of Sinai |
Anastasios of Navpliou |
Anastasius, Ascetic, Wonderworker of Cyprus |
Anastasius, New Martyr of Paramythia 1750 |
Anatole II, Ascetic of Optina |
Anatolius, Patriarch of Constantinople |
Anatolius, The General |
Apostle, The First-called |
Andrew, Archbishop of Crete |
Andrew, the Prince of Yaroslav |
Andrew, Martyr [of the Judgement] |
Andrew, The Fool for Christ |
Andrew, The General |
Andrew Rublev, The Iconographer |
Andronicus, Apostle |
Andronicus, Martyr of Tarsus |
Andronicus, Martyr |
Andronicus, Ascetic |
Andronicus, Ascetic, Abbot of Moscow |
Andronicus, New Martyr, Archbishop of Perm |
Anempodistus, Martyr |
Angelina Brancovich, Princess of Serbia |
Angelina of Serbia |
Angelis, New Martyr 1680 |
Angelis,, New Martyr of Melampos 1824 |
Angelis New Martyr Physician 1813 |
Angias, of the Forty Martyrs of Sebaste |
Angus of Keld [the Culdee] |
Anicetus, Martyr |
Anna, Mother of Mary the Mother of God
Anna, Prophetess, Daughter of Phanuel |
Anna, Martyr
Anna, Princess of Kashin |
Anna, Princess of Novgorod |
Ansgar [Anschar], Archbishop of Hamburg |
Anthia, Mother of St. Eleutherius
Anthimus, Hieromartyr, Bishop of Nicomedia |
Anthimus, The Athenian, Bishop of Crete,
Anthimus, Bishop of Chios |
Anthimus, Selfless Physician |
Anthimus, Martyr |
Anthimus, of Iviron, Bishop of Wallachia, Romania
Anthimus, Bishop of Georgia |
Anthony, The Great |
Anthony, Martyr of Nicopolis in Armenia |
Anthony, Martyr of Vilna Lithuania |
Anthony, Martyr, of
the Seven Maccabees |
Anthony, Ascetic of the Berroia Skete |
Anthony, Ascetic of Dymsk, Novgorod |
Anthony, of the Kiev Far Caves, Founder of Monasticism in Russia |
Anthony, Wonderworker, Abbot of Novgorod |
Anthony, Ascetic, Abbot of Siya, Novgorod |
Martmkofeli of Zaden, Founder of
Monasticism in Georgia
Anthony of Iezerul, Vilcea skete |
Anthusa, Martyr |
Anthusa, Ascetic, Princess |
Anthusa, Mother of St. John Chrysostom |
Antigone, Martyr |
Antiochus, Martyr, Physician of Sebaste |
Antipas, (Athonitis) Ascetic of Valaam Monastery
[+1882] |
Antipas, Hieromartyr, Bishop of Pergamus
Antipatros or Antipater, Martyr |
Antipatros, or Antipater, Bishop of Bostra
Antonina, Martyr of Nicea |
Antonina, Martyr of Constantinople |
Antoninus, of the Seven Youths of Ephesus |
Anysia, Ascetic Martyr of Thessalonica |
Apelles, Apostle of the Seventy |
Aphrodite, Martyr |
Aphthonius, Martyr |
Apollinaria, Ascetic |
Apollinarius, Bishop of Ravenna |
Apollonius, Martyr |
Apollonius, Martyr of Nicopolis in Armenia |
Apollos, Apostle |
Newmartyr of Ano Moulion, Crete |
Aquilla, Apostle |
Aquilla, Ascetic, Deacon of the Kiev Caves |
Aquillina, Martyr |
Arcadius, Martyr of Constantinople |
Arcadius, Ascetic of Novy Torg |
Archil II, Martyr, King of Georgia |
Archippus, Apostle |
Archippus, Apostle |
Arethas, Greatmartyr |
New Martyr, 1725 |
Argyrios or Argyres (Argyrus), New Martyr 1806 |
Aribia, Martyr |
Aristarchus, Apostle [of the 70] |
Aristides, Martyr
Aristion, Patriarch of Alexandria |
Aristobulus, Apostle of the Seventy, Bishop of
Britain |
Aristocles, Hieromartyr of Cyprus |
Ariston, Bishop of Arsinoe, Cyprus |
Arnulf, Bishop of Metz
Arrian [Arrianus], Martyr
Arsenius, Archbishop of Serbia |
Newmartyr, Metropolitan of Beroia |
Arsenius, Bishop of Tver |
Arsenius, Bishop of Ninotsminda |
Arsenius, The Great, Ascetic |
Arsenius, of Latros Ascetic |
Arsenius, Ascetic of Paro, 1877 |
Arsenius, Wonderworker, Abbot of Konevits, Russian |
Arsenius, the Lover of Labour, of the Kiev Far Caves
Arsenius of
Ikaltoi, Georgia. |
Arsenius, Ascetic of Ulompa, Georgia |
Arsenius, the Great, Catholicos of Georgia |
Arsenius, Ascetic, The Cappadocian, 1924
Apostle of the Seventy |
Artemas, Martyr |
Artemius, Greatmartyr |
Artemius, Righteous Child of Verkhol |
Artemon, Hieromartyr, Bishop of Seleucia |
Asclepius, Ascetic |
Ashot Curapalati, of Aartanuji
Aspasia, Martyr |
Asterius, Martyr
Asterius, Hieromartyr, Wonderworker
Asyncritus, Apostle of the Seventy |
Athanasia, Martyr of Canopus, Egypt |
Athanasia, Martyr |
Athanasia, Ascetic |
Athanasia, Ascetic, Wonderworker of Aegina |
Athanasius, The Great, Patriarch of Alexandria |
Athanasius of Lubensk, Patriarch of
Constantinople |
Athanasius, Bishop of Christianoupolis 1735 |
Athanasius, of the Forty Martyrs of Sebaste |
Koulakiotis, Newmartyr of Thessalonica, 1774 |
Athanasius Parios |
Athanasius, Pentaschinitis, Cyprus |
Athanasius, Ascetic, Founder of Meteora
Monastery |
Athanasius, Ascetic, The Athonite |
Athanasius, of Serpukhov |
Athanasius, Abbot of Syandemsk, Vologda |
Athanasius, Abbot of Brest |
Athena, Martyr |
Athenogenes, Hieromartyr |
Audrey [Etheldred, Etheldreda]Daughter
of King Anna of East Anglia
Augustine, Confessor, Bishop of Hippo |
Augustine of Cantebury |
Aurelia Ascetic, Princess |
Autonomus, Patriarch of Constantinople |
Autonomus, Hieromartyr, Bishop in Italy |
Auxentius, Martyr |
Auxentius, New Martyr of Constantinople, 1720 |
Auxentius, Ascetic |
Auxentius, Ascetic, Cyprus |
Auxibius, Bishop of Solon, Cyprus |
Auxibius, Bishop of Solon, Cyprus |
Aventinus of Troyes |
Avim or Abim of
the Seven Maccabees
Avitus I of Clermont |
Azarius, of the Three Children |