Pabo, King of the Pennines,
Founder of Monastery of Llanbabon, Wales |
Pachomius the Great |
Pachomius of Chio |
Paisius the Great |
Paisius Velichkovsky |
Paisius of the Kiev Far Caves |
Paisius, Ascetic of Hilandari, Bulgaria |
the Abbot of Serbia, Newmartyr |
Paisius of Ouglich |
Pambo, Acsetic |
Pamphilus, Martyr +284-304 |
Panages [Panayes] Pasias, Presbyter,
Cephallenia 1888 |
Panayiotes, Newmartyr of Caesarea |
Panagiotis, Newmartyr of Jerusalem,
1820 |
Panaretus, Bishop of Paphos,
Cyprus |
Pancratius, Bishop of Tauromenia, Sicily |
of the Forty Virgin Martyrs |
Panegyrius, Ascetic of Cyprus |
Pansemna, Ascetic |
Panteleimon, Greatmartyr |
Hieromartyr, of Jerusalem |
Ascetic, Abbot of Borovsk, Russia
Papylus, martyr |
Paramonus, Martyr |
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Ascetic, Virgin Martyr |
Ascetic Martyr, The New |
Parasceva [Petka], of Serbia |
Paraskeva [Pyatnitsa], of Iconium |
Pardus the Solitary
Paregorius |
Parmenas, Apostle |
Parthena, Newmartyr of Edessa
[+1373] |
Parthenius of Lampsacus |
Parthenius, Bishop of Razobyzin, Artes, 1777 |
Parthenius, Igumen of Kiziltachsk |
Parthenios, Founder
of Koudouma monastery |
of Chios |
Patapius of Thebes
Paternus [Padarn], Wales |
Patricia |
Patrick, Bishop of Brussa |
Patrick, Bishop of Armagh, Enlightener of Ireland
Patrobas Apostle |
Paul, Apostle |
Paul of Constantinople |
Paul, Patriarch of Constantinople, the New |
Ascetic Martyr
Paul, Ascetic Martyr, of Tripoli, 1818 |
Paul the Theban |
Paul the simple |
Paul, Ascetic, of Xeropotamou,
Mount Athos |
Paul, Abbot
of Obnora, Vologda |
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Paul the Obedient, of the Kiev Caves |
Paul, New Ascetic Martyr of Joannina, 1821 |
Paul Aurelian, Bishop of Ouismor |
Paula of Byzantium |
Paulinus, Bishop of Nola |
Pegasius |
Pelagia |
Pelagia of Tarsus |
Pelagia of Tino |
Pelopidas, Martyr |
the Forty Virgin
Martyrs |
Pericles, Martyr |
Perpetua of Carthage |
Peter, Apostle |
Peter, Archbishop of Alexandria |
Peter, Bishop of Argos |
Peter, Metropolitan of Moscow |
Peter Polyansky, Metropolitan of Moscow and
Krutitsy |
Metropolitan of Serbia
Peter, First Catholicos of Georgia |
Peter of Cetinje |
Peter, martyr |
Peter, Ascetic, of Athos |
_Wonderworker_of_murom_wife_febronia_small.jpg) |
Peter the Aleut of Alaska |
Peter, King of Bulgaria |
Peter of Korisha, Serbia |
Peter, [tonsured David] the wonderworker of Murom |
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_bishop_of_agen_in_the_south_of_france_small.jpg) |
Peter [Yaropolk], Prince of Vladimir, Volhynia |
Peter Urseolus
Petroc (Petrock, Pedrog Perreux), Ascetic
in Cornwall |
Phaebadius (Fiari), Bishop of Agen
in the South of France |
Phanourius, Greatmartyr 1369 |
Philadelphus |
Philagrius, Bishop of Curium, Cyprus |
Philaret Ddrozdov, Metropolitan of
Moscow |
Philaret the merciful |
Philimon, Apostle |
Philemon, martyr |
Phillip, Apostle |
Phillip of the Seven Deacons, Apostle |
Philip, Metropolitan of Moscow |
Phillip, of Gortyna |
Philip, Abbot of Irap near
Philoctemon, of the Forty Martyrs of Sebaste |
Philologus, Apostle |
Philon, Bishop of Karpasia,
Wonderworker of Cyprus |
Philonides, Bishop of Curium, Cyprus |
Philosophus, Newmartyr of St. Petersburg |
Philothea of Athens |
Philothea, of Artzes, Rumania |
Patriarch of
Philotheus, Ascetic, The Presbyter |
Philotheos the Athonite |
Philotheos, The Kareotis, 15c |
Philotheus, Ascetic, Founder of
Philotheos Monastery, Athos, |
Philoumenus |
Philoumenus, New Hieromartyr by Jacob's
well, 1979 |
Phlegon, Apostle |
Phocian, Martyr |
Phocus, Hieromartyr,
Phocus, martyr |
Phoebe the Deaconess |
Photini the Samaritan Woman |
Photina (Photou) of Cyprus |
Photinus, Martyr, Son of St. Photina |
Photis, Martyr, Sister of St. Photina |
Photius the Great
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Photius, Metropolitan of Kiev |
Photius of Nicomedia |
Photo, Martyr sister of St. Photina |
Piaton (Piato, Piat), Martyr |
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Ascetic, The Great
Pimen, of Zographou
Monastery, Athos, 1610 |
Pior |
Piran (Pyran), Ascetic near Padstow in
Cornwall |
Pistis [Faith], Martyr |
Pitirim, Bishop of Tambov |
Platon, Martyr Bishop of Tartu |
Platon, martyr |
Platon Newmartyr of Banjaluka
Platonis |
Polycarp of Smyrna |
Polychronia, Mother of St.
George the Victory-bearer |
Polydorus, Neomartyr of Nicosia, Cyprus
1794 |
Polyeuctus, Martyr [+256] |
Polymnia, of the Forty Virgin Martyrs |
Polynice, of the Forty Virgin Martyrs |
Pompius, Martyr of Crete |
Porphyrius, Bishop of Gaza
+420 |
Porphyrius, Martyr |
Porphyrios, Kavsokalyvites |
Pothin |
Priscilla, Apostle, Wife of Aquilla |
Priscilla, of Rome |
Priscus, of the Forty Martyrs of Sebaste |
Provos, martyr |
Prochorus, Apostle, of the Seven
Deacons |
Prochorus of Pcinja |
Prochorus of the Kiev Near Caves |
Procla, Wife of Pilate |
Proclus of Constantinople |
Proclus |
Procopius, Greatmartyr |
Procopius, The Fool for Christ,
Wonderworker of Ustiug |
Procopius of Decapolis |
Procopius, Founder of Machera Monastery, Cyprus |
Protasius, Martyr |
Poudes, Apostle |
Pulcheria, Queen |
Pyrrhus of Breta, Georgia |