Jacob The
Prophet |
Jacob Netsvetov, Enlightener of Alaska |
James the Lord's Brother |
James, the son of Zebedee, Apostle |
of Alphaeus, Apostle |
James of Nisibis |
James the Confessor |
James, Hieromartyr, the Zealot |
James the Persian |
James, martyr |
James the Solitary
of Syria |
James of Borovichi, Wonderworker of
Novgorod |
Januarius of Neapolis |
Jason, Apostle
Jeremiah The Prophet
Jeremiah, of the 13 Martyrs of Kantara, Cyprus |
Ascetic |
Jeronimus (Jerome) |
Jesse, The Righteous |
Jesse, Bishop of Tsilkan in Georgia |
Jesus [Joshua], Son of Nun |
Joachim, Father of Mary the Mother of God
Joachim (Papoulakis) of Ithaki
Joanna the Myrrhbearer |
Joanicius the Great |
Joannicius of Devic |
Joannicius, Hieromartyr of Serbia |
Joasaph, Ascetic of Meteora, 1422-3 |
Joasaph, Bishop of Belgorod |
Joasaph, Prince of India |
Joasaph, Prince Andrew of Kubensk, Vologda |
Job the Long-Suffering |
Job, Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia |
Job, Abbot
of Pochaev |
Joel The Prophet
John the Baptist |
John the Theologian |
John Chrystostom, Patriarch of Constantinople |
John the Faster, Patriarch of Constantinople |
John the Merciful |
John, Archbishop, Wonderworker of Novgorod |
John Maximovitch, Metropolitan of
Tobolsk |
John, The Chozebite |
John, Mauropus, Bishop of Euchaita |
John, The Hesychast, Bishop of Colonia |
John, Bishop of Suzdal |
John of Kronstadt |
John the Sabbaite |
John, Son of St. Xenophon |
John, of the Forty Martyrs of Sebaste |
John of Kazan |
John, of Lithuania
John the Soldier at Constantinople |
John, the Selfless Physician |
John of the 13 Martyrs of Cantara,
Cyprus |
John Botamitis (of the river) of Cyprus |
John, Hieromartyr, Abbot of Monastery at
Monagri, Cyprus |
John, New Greatmartyr of Sochi, who
suffered at Belgrade |
John Koukouzelis |
John Lampadistis of Cyprus |
John, Abbot of Rila |
John, Ascetic, Colobus |
John Cassian of Rome, Ascetic +435 |
John the Hermit |
John of Damascus, the Hymnwriter |
John 'the hairy', Fool for Christ, Rostov |
John Kalyvites |
John the Russian |
John of Ustiug, the Fool for Christ |
John the disciple of Barsanuphius the Great |
John Theristus (the Harvester) of Sicily
and Calabria |
John of the Well |
John, Ascetic, Author of the
Ladder |
John the Disciple of St. Gregory of Decapolis |
John the Psychaites |
John, Acsetic |
John of Sviatogorsk, Georgia |
John Chimchimeli, The Philosopher |
John Zedazneli
of Zaden, Georgia
John, Abbot of Zedazeni Monastery |
John Shavteli of Salosi, Georgia |
John of Georgia |
John, Batatzis, Doukas (King) |
John, Vladimir, King of Serbia |
John the Newmartyr, Archbishop of Riga
and Latvia |
John the Newmartyr of Naousa, 1822 |
John, Newmartyr of Monembasia, 1773 |
Newmartyr of Thasos, 1652
Newmartyr of Ioannina, 1526 |
John, Newmartyr, Vlachos, 1622 |
John Kochurov, New Hieromartyr |
John, Newmartyr of Thessaloniki, Koulakiotis, 1776 |
John, Newmartyr of Konitza and Agarenon, 1814 |
John, Newmartyr, the Tourkolekas, 1816 |
Stamatius, Nicholas & John, Newmartyrs of
Spetsa, 1822 |
John, Nannos, Newmartyr of
Thessalonica, 1785 |
John, of Santa Cruz, Newmartyr of
John of Prislop |
John, Abbot of Gorze in Lorraine |
John of Beverley, Bishop of York |
Jonah The Prophet
Jonah, Metropolitan of Moscow |
Jonah, Metropolitan of Moscow |
Jonah, Archbishop of Novgorod |
Joseph, The All-Good |
Joseph the Betrothed |
Joseph of Arimathaea |
Joseph, Abbot of Alaverdi, Georgia |
Joseph the Hymnographer |
Joseph, martyr |
Joseph, The Outpourer of Myrrh |
Joseph, Abbot of Volokolamsk, Volotsk |
Joseph the New |
Joseph, of Cappadosia, |
Joseph of 13 Martyrs of Kantara, Cyprus |
Joseph, the Much-Ailing of the Kiev Far Caves
Joseph the Confessor of Maramures |
Joseph of serbia |
Joseph Abibus
of Zaden
Jude, Apostle of the
Twelve |
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Judith the Righteous |
Judocus (Judganoc, Josse), Brother of King
Judicäel |
Julia, Virgin Martyr |
Julia of Carthage |
[Elianus] of the Forty Martyrs of Sebaste
Julian The Physician of Emesa +284 |
Julian, Martyr of Cicilia
Julian, Martyr of Campania |
Julian, the Hospitaller, the Poor |
Julian of Auvergne, Martyr |
Juliana of Nicomedia |
Juliana of Constantinople |
Juliana of Lazarevo |
Julitta |
Junia, Apostle |
Justa, Ascetic |
Justin the
Philosopher |
Justin Popovic of Chelije |
Justina of Nicomedia |
Justinian the Great
Justus, Apostle |
Justus, martyr |
Justus, martyr |
Justus, Child-martyr of Alcala in Spain |
Martyr of Alaska |