Macarius, Archbishop of Jerusalem |
Macarius, Archbishop of Corinth, Notaras,
1805 |
Macarius, Metropolitan of Moscow and all
Russia |
Macarius [Metrophanes]
Bishop of Voronezh |
Macarius, the Great |
Macarius of Alexandria [+394] |
Macarius of Rome |
Macarios, Ascetic, Abbot of Pantocrator
monastery, 1431 |
Macarius, Archimandrite of Obruch, Kanev |
Macarius, Abbot of Kalyazin |
Macarius, Abbot of [Yellow Waters]
Zheltovod and Unsha |
Deacon of the Kiev Caves
Macarius of Zhabyn, the Wonderworker |
Macarius the Faster, Abbot of Khakhuli
Monastery |
Macrina, Sister of St. Basil the Great |
Maelrubius (Maolrubha),
Ascetic, St. Comgall's monastery at Bangor |
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_bishop_of_aleth_now_st_malo_small.jpg) |
Magnus |
Majolus (Maieul), Abbot of Cluny |
Malachi The Prophet
Malo (Machutis, Maclou), Bishop of
Aleth (now St. Malo) |
Mamai Katholikos of Georgia |
Mamas |
Mamertus, Archbishop of Vienne in France |
Manuel, Newmartyr of Chres, 1792 |
Manuel (Emmanuel), New-martyr, of Samothrace,
1821 |
Marana [Marianna] |
Ascetic Virgin Martyr,
1500 |
Marcellus of Sicily |
Marcellus, of the Seven Maccabees |
Marcellus, Abbot of Monastery of Akoimiton |
Marcianus (Marcian)
King +457 |
Marcianus (Marcian) |
Marciana. |
Mardarius |
Margaret of the Forty Virgin Martyr |
Mary, the Sister of Lazarus |
Magdalene |
Maria, Ascetic |
Maria, Ascetic, Wife of St. Xenophon [+6th c] |
Mary of Egypt |
Maria, Methymopoula Newmartyr |
Maria, mother of Sergius of Radonezh |
Maria, Romanov, Grand Duchess of Russia |
Sister of Apostle Phillip
Marianna, Martyr |
Mariantha, of the Forty Virgin Martyr |
Marina, Greatmartyr |
Marinus, martyr |
Mark, Apostle and Evangelist |
Mark of the Seventy Apostles |
Mark, Bishop of Ephesus, Euegenikos
[+1444] |
Mark of Arethusia |
Mark of the 13 Martyrs of Kantara, Cyprus |
Mark, Martyr |
Mark the Ascetic |
Mark, Ascetic, of Athens |
Mark, Newmartyr of Chres, 1643 |
Mark, Newmartyr of Chios |
Maron the Hermit of Syria |
Martha, Sister of Lazarus
Martha of Egypt |
Martha of Persia |
Martha, Ascetic, Mother of Symeon of the
Wonderful Mountain |
Martial, Apostle of Limoges |
Martin, Pope of Rome |
Martin, Bishop of Tours |
Martinian, Martyr, of the Seven
Children of Ephesus |
Martinian, Abbot of Byeloezersk |
Martinian |
Maruthas, Bishop of Martyropolis |
Martyrius, Martyr |
Martyrius, Abbot of Zelenets, Pskov |
Maternus, Bishop of Cologne in Germany |
Mathilda |
Matrona, Abbess of Constantinople |
Matrona of Thessalonica |
Matrona of Chios |
Matrona, The Sightless (Aommati),
Russia 1952 |
Matthew the Apostle and Evangelist |
Matthew, Son of Constantine Brancoveanu |
Matthias, Apostle |
Maura, Martyr |
Maurice |
Mauricius |
Maurus, Disciple of St Benedict |
Mawes, Ascetic near
Falmouth in Cornwall |
Maxim, Sandovich, Hieromartyr |
Maximilian, of the Seven Children of
Ephesus |
Maximus the Confessor |
Maximus, The Greek
Maximus of the 13 Martyrs of Cantara,
Cyprus |
Maximos the Causokalyvites |
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Maximus of Moscow, the Fool for Christ |
Maximus of Turin |
Melangell (Monacella), of Wales |
Melanie |
Melchior, of the Three
Magi |
Melchisadec The Righteous, King of Salem
Melchizedek I, Patriarch of Georgia |
Meletius, Archbishop of Antioch +381 |
Meletius, Patriarch of Alexandria, Pegas |
Meletius, Ascetic, Gallesiotou, Confessor,
[+1283] |
Meletius, The New,
Ascetic of Kithaironi |
Meliton, of the Forty Martyrs of Sebaste |
Melpomena of the Forty Virgin Martyrs |
Memnon, Ascetic, Wonderworker
Menas, Greatmartyr |
Menas, Kallikelados |
Menodora |
Mecurius |
Mercurius, Martyr, The Russian |
Meropa |
Methodia of Kimolo |
Methodius of
Constantinople |
Methodius of Pataron |
Methodius, Equal to the Apostle,
Enlightener of the Slavs |
Metrodora, Martyr |
Metrophanes, Patriarch of Constantinople |
Metrophanes, Ascetic, of Athos |
Metrophanes, of the
Boxer Rising Martyrs |
Mewan of Brittany, Ascetic Monk |
Micah II, The Prophet
Michael The Archangel
Michael, Bishop of Synnada |
Michael, Metropolitan of Moscow |
Michael the first Metropolitan of Kiev |
Michael, Prince of Tver |
Michael, Prince of Chernigov, Russia |
Michael, the Fool for Christ, of the Klops
monastery |
Michael the Newmartyr |
Michael, New-martyr, of
Samothrace, 1821 |
Michael, Newmartyr, Pacnanas, The Gardener 1771 |
Michael the Gardener |
Michael, of Ulompo,
Georgia |
Michael, of the David Gareji Monastery, Georgia |
Michael-Gobron |
Mikallos of Cyprus |
Mildred, Abbess of Minster |
Milica [Militsa], Princess of Serbia |
Miltiades |
Mirian, Equal to the Apostles, Georgia |
Misael, Martyr, of the Three Holy
Children |
Mnason, Bishop of Tamasou, Cyprus
Mnymonius of Amathus |
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Mocius, Presbyter of Amphipolis in Macedonia
Modestus, Archbishop of Jerusalem |
Moloc (Molluog, Murlach, Lugaidh) Bishop in Scotland |
Monica, Mother of St. Augustine |
Mosco [Moscho] of the Forty Virgin Martyrs |
Moses The Prophet
Moses, Archbishop of Novgorod |
Moses the Ethiopian |
Moses, Ascetic, The Ugrian, of the Kiev Caves |
Musa of Rome |
Myron of Crete |
Myron, Newmartyr of Chres, 1793 |
Myropa |